If you don’t see what you’re looking for, please feel free to email me and ask! Death and grief are not linear.

Death & Grief Companionship

Grief Sessions

These are typically 1 hour long sessions where we can openly discuss anticipatory, current, or grief from your past. This is a safe space for your to explore mortality, what grief means to you, the role death and dying has played in your life, and anything else you’d like to discuss. Please note, these are not therapy sessions.

Advanced Planning & Legacy

Here we can work towards Advanced Care Planning. This can include working on an Advanced Directive, planning projects that help continue your legacy, or any other plans that might help you feel confident in what you will leave behind.

Family or Group Facilitation

Group, family, friend, etc. facilitation for Grief Sessions, Advanced Directives, Legacy projects, and more!


Personalized guided meditation: Recording only or a recording plus in person facilitation.

Personalized ritual creation for end of life: Can include ritual instructions, materials, and/or facilitation.

Tarot sessions: see below for more details.


Vigil is the period of time where you or your loved one is actively dying. This may take place in a week, days, or hours. Vigil services include companionship during the dying process, making sure your wishes are being fulfilled, providing relief to family members, and more.


Packages are meant as an easy way to open the door for a combination of services and products. If you are interested in Legacy projects and a personalized ritual but know you want to start with a few grief sessions, you can buy a package. Feel free to email me with any questions and to figure out the best fit for you!

Tarot Sessions

Tarot sessions can vary widely by person depending on how many cards you want, how quickly the messages come through, and how much follow up is needed. Sessions can be scheduled with any number of cards but common numbers are 3, 5, 7, or 9 cards. Tarot sessions are done virtually over video chat.

Special sessions: Every December I offer up a limited number of “Year Ahead” readings. During this session, I will pull one card for each month for the new year plus an additional card to give an overview of your coming year. These sessions are not over video chat and are instead done on my own time and sent to you in an email, with pictures!


Sliding scale always available.

  • $70 per weekday visit, up to 1 hour

    $85 per weekend visit, up to 1 hour

  • Typically as follows:

    $15-30, 3 cards

    $30-40, 5 cards

    $50-60, 7 cards

    $70-80, 9 cards

    $80-100, Year Ahead

  • 5 Death & Grief sessions, $325

    10 Death & Grief sessions, $600

    Monthly Tarot sessions, inquire for custom pricing