Death is the most natural experience each of us will have.

Death and grief don’t have to be scary or morbid. Spirituality should never have been colonized. We can find freedom, empowerment, and comfort by looking into the face of death and asking ourselves what lessons we can learn within.

Who We Are

Paths Underground began in a small way. It grew into something bigger out of necessity. It continues to grow and evolve as Persephone and my guides ask it to.

Years ago, I found myself at a crossroads. I was in a dark place, grief was consuming me, and I didn’t know how to overcome it. I began finding connection and community through witchcraft, opening up about my grief, and directly confronting my immense fear of death. A spark was lit inside of me that blossomed into what my spiritual and grief practices look like now.

I believe in the power of confronting our fears of death and grief. My hope is that every person whose life touches mine, either through Paths Underground or otherwise, leaves with a better understanding of how grief exists within them.

Paths Underground is a business dedicated to Persephone, the Greek Goddess of the underworld.

Gentle Beginnings

I began this journey in a small way; giving my friends tarot readings during the holidays. Slowly, I began hosting Pagan-centered celebrations that followed the Wheel of the Year and honored seasonal change. I began making tea and oil blends for those close to me and found passion in working directly with someone to help aid them; spiritually or otherwise.

How does grief and death play into this? At the start of this journey, I was working a difficult job with my local homeless population. I found myself spending extra time with my clients who needed to discuss their terminal diagnoses and their grief over the systems that had failed them. I began to see a positive impact in providing a safe and open space to discuss death and grief. I started brining these conversations to my friends and family and realized that those close to me had a similar need to open up. This realization sent me into a nonstop whirlwind of confronting my own grief and forming the vision behind Paths Underground.

Paths Underground is a queer, trans, witch owned business. We fully support Palestinian liberation, BLM, Indigenous Sovereignty movements, and many others. We are anti white supremacy. We continually work to decolonize our spiritual, grief, and herbal practices. Our focus lies in empowerment & equity for all people. We hope to build community care and support through nature-based, animistic services.


  • A Death & Grief Companion, often called a Death Doula or End of Life Doula is someone who provides decolonized services to those who are experiencing grief, terminal illness, or simply want a safe space to discuss death and dying. Services can include 1:1 discussion, end of life planning, vigil during your final days or hours, and much more. A Death & Grief Companion is not a therapist and cannot provide treatment or diagnosis.

  • It depends on what type of reading you schedule! Generally, we will take a little time to discuss what you’re looking for. We will mutually agree on the questions we will ask of the cards. When it’s time to begin, I’ll take a few moments to ground myself and ask my guides to come forward. I will pull cards for you and explain their meaning and how it relates to your situation.

    Tarot often shows us what we already know inside. It can’t tell you if your partner is cheating on you, or when you’re going to die. It can provide greater insight into our instinct and intuition, it can give you another perspective on a situation, and it can do so much more.

  • The personal is political. I am always learning, striving to do better, and looking for alternative ways to provide my services. I start by recognizing and understanding the history of my practices, their influences, and how the current cultural landscape might play a role in that. I examine the intersections of race, gender, disability, and more. I spend time breaking down learned behaviors and how they might relate to the US’s culture of white supremacy.

    This is just a snapshot, if you have more questions or would like to discuss specifics please sent me an email. I could talk about this for hours!

  • Tarot readings are for anyone, whether you’ve had many before or not!

    Death & Grief companionship is great for people who are actively experiencing grief, have received a terminal illness, want to explore their relationship to grief, death, & dying, or any reason you may want to join a grief session.